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How to view or turn off diagnostic information on iPhone


Illustration by Anna Fadiah
Apple collects diagnostic and usage data from your iPhone in order to improve their products and services. This data can include information about how you use your device, such as app usage, battery life, and network connectivity. While this data is useful for Apple, some users may not feel comfortable sharing this information.

In this article, we'll explain how to view and turn off diagnostic information on your iPhone.

  1. View diagnostic information: To view the diagnostic information that your iPhone is sending to Apple, go to the Settings app, select "Privacy," and then tap on "Analytics & Improvements." Here, you'll see a list of the diagnostic and usage data that your iPhone is sending to Apple. You can tap on each item to view more detailed information about what data is being collected.
  2. Turn off diagnostic information: If you don't want your iPhone to send diagnostic and usage data to Apple, you can turn off this feature. To do this, go to the Settings app, select "Privacy," and then tap on "Analytics & Improvements." Toggle off the "Share iPhone Analytics" switch to disable this feature.
  3. Turn off location-based suggestions: Your iPhone may use your location data to provide suggestions for apps and services in your area. If you don't want your iPhone to use your location data in this way, you can turn off location-based suggestions. To do this, go to the Settings app, select "Privacy," and then tap on "Location Services." Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and toggle off the "Location-Based Suggestions" switch.
  4. Turn off personalized ads: Apple may use your data to personalize ads that you see on your iPhone. If you don't want to see personalized ads, you can turn off this feature. To do this, go to the Settings app, select "Privacy," and then tap on "Apple Advertising." Toggle off the "Personalized Ads" switch to disable this feature.
  5. Limit ad tracking: In addition to turning off personalized ads, you can also limit ad tracking on your iPhone. This will prevent advertisers from tracking your activity across apps and websites. To limit ad tracking, go to the Settings app, select "Privacy," and then tap on "Tracking." Toggle on the "Limit Ad Tracking" switch to enable this feature.

In conclusion, Apple collects diagnostic and usage data from your iPhone in order to improve their products and services. While this data is useful for Apple, some users may not want to share this information. By following the steps outlined above, you can view and turn off diagnostic information on your iPhone, as well as limit location-based suggestions, personalized ads, and ad tracking.

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